Name: Uhma Oy
Address: Viinikankatu 45, 33800 TRE
Business ID: 0872494-3
Phone number: 0103117190
E-mail address:
Company: Uhma Oy
Name: Nico Engström
Address: Viinikankatu 45, 33800 TRE
Phone number: 0445386242
E-mail address:
The register contains customer data used to manage the customer relationship and to communicate with you by e-mail.
First Name, Last Name, Business ID, E-mail Address, Telephone Number, Street Address, Postal Code, Postal City, Marketing Authorisations and Restrictions, Username, Password, Country of Residence, Language
Data collected for the register: from the individuals themselves or from the company’s website. Records kept by the public authority, to the extent permitted by law . (E.g. Trade Register, Business Register, Tax Administration registers.)
The data will not be disclosed outside the company. However, if data is disclosed outside the company, it will only be disclosed to the extent required for the delivery of orders and technical solutions. Data may be transferred outside the EU or the European Economic Area as permitted by the Personal Data Act.
The service uses cookies. Cookies and the information they collect are used to improve the efficiency and user-friendliness of the services. Cookies are used to collect information about how visitors move around and behave on a website. Cookies are necessary for the functionality of some of the internet services provided by the controller, and we do not guarantee the functionality of the services unless the cookie functionality is enabled. The information obtained through cookies is anonymous by nature. You have the possibility to block all or part of the use of cookies at any time by changing the settings of the browser you use. The information collected through cookies is used to target communications and marketing and to optimise marketing activities.
Personal data in the form of printouts are stored on the controller’s premises, which are locked and have access control. Electronic data is transferred over an SSL-secured connection. The data is protected by a firewall and usernames and passwords. Access to the data is limited to those employed by the controller and other specified persons who need the data for their tasks.
In accordance with Sections 26-28 of the Personal Data Act, the data subject has the right to check what information concerning him or her has been stored in the personal data register. The request for inspection should be sent in writing, signed and addressed to Viinikankatu 45.
Tekoälytoimisto Uhma on suoraviivainen, dataorientoitunut ja käytännönläheinen kasvukumppani.
© Uhma Oy 2024 | Tietosuojaseloste