Gamification Marketing

How to achieve a truly high CTR in campaigns, get the customer to spend up to 15 minutes with your brand, and create both value and potential virality solely through the advertisement?

Gamification Marketing

What is gamification

Gamification marketing means exactly what you were thinking. We create games online and drive traffic to them through traditional advertising methods. Branded games like CandyCrush, Wheel of Fortune or Catch ’em all are amazingly effective at engaging your audience.

The effectiveness of marketing created through gamification

Through gamification marketing, we achieve impressive metrics such as 10-15% CTR (average 0.9%) on Meta’s advertising platform. Engagement is particularly effective, as the average audience stays for 5-15 minutes, and more than 90% of players complete the game. Where else can you guarantee your audience will be entertained for up to 15 minutes?

How to build gamification marketing?

First, what is the aim of the game? Its purpose may be to teach you how to use your service, to tell you what is most relevant to selling your product, or to collect information about your customers. A user who completes the game can be rewarded with, for example. a discount voucher for your online shop. The possibilities are endless and the sky is the limit!


Decide on the target for the marketing campaign

– Explaining how to use the service
– Product presentation
– Providing a discount voucher
– Learning about customers


– Choosing the frame of the game
– Creating the action to support the objective
– Creating a branded entity


– We collect data on everything
– Data can be used to develop policies and/or follow-up campaigns

Let's build an engaging gaming campaign now! 👉🏻