
What is Uhma?

A truly data-driven and practical AI agency.

The story behind our success

The desire to design and build amazing things

We started as a regular advertising agency and decided, through a change in direction, to transform it into a data-driven advertising agency. This change opened up new perspectives and opportunities as we fully committed to data. It changed the whole game. We strengthened the role of data in our creative process and developed solutions that were not only based on creativity but also on precise knowledge of our target audience. This turning point led us to become a pioneer in data-driven advertising agencies.

Our growth continued by conquering the world of growth hacking. This new approach gave us the necessary tools and strategies for scaling our business. Today, we’re proud of how we’ve evolved from a data-driven growth hacking agency to an AI firm called Uhma.

Becoming a brand was a natural evolution, reflecting our commitment to innovation and industry development. We have invested heavily in technology and knowledge to ensure that we can offer our customers the best possible solutions. Leveraging AI in the advertising agency is not just a fashion statement for us; it is a powerful tool to enhance our strategies and further improve the customer experience.  

Our goal is to continue to grow and innovate while staying true to our values: transparency, creativity and customer focus.

Uhma Oy keltainen someikoni

Get to know our experts

Certificates and Achievements

Strategic partnership

Strategic partnership with a top European design agency

We are excited to announce our partnership with Little Greta, a European, award-winning strategic creative agency. Originally from the Czech Republic and now also operating in the UK, Little Greta brings extensive expertise in brand strategy and brand building. Their comprehensive and creative execution covers graphic design, multimedia, and digital media, with special expertise in immersive technologies such as AR and VR through their dedicated immersive division. Together, we are able to offer versatile, cross-sectional projects that cover a wide range of categories, including packaging design, mobile applications, video production, and spatial design. Our collaboration ensures a holistic approach to solving every client challenge, combining Uhma’s innovative AI solutions with Little Greta’s creative expertise.

Meet our growth team


Asiantuntijatiimimme on omistautunut tarjoamaan asiakkaillemme parhaita mahdollisia ratkaisuja tekoälyn, kasvuhakkeroinnin ja datan avulla. Tiimimme koostuu monipuolisista osaajista, jotka ovat intohimoisia innovaatioista ja teknologian hyödyntämisestä liiketoiminnan kehittämisessä. Me Uhmalla uskomme, että data on avain menestyksekkääseen päätöksentekoon ja liiketoiminnan kehittämiseen. Siksi pyrimme aina perustamaan ratkaisumme vankkaan analyysiin ja syvälliseen ymmärrykseen asiakkaidemme tarpeista.

Yhteistyö on meille keskeistä. Tiimimme työskentelee saumattomasti yhdessä asiakkaidemme kanssa luodakseen räätälöityjä ratkaisuja, jotka vastaavat heidän ainutlaatuisiin tarpeisiinsa. Pyrimme aina ylittämään asiakkaidemme odotukset ja luomaan pitkäaikaisia kumppanuussuhteita.

Olemme myös sitoutuneita jatkuvaan kehittymiseen ja oppimiseen. Seuraamme tiiviisti alan kehitystä ja investoimme jatkuvasti koulutuksiin ja uusimpien teknologioiden hallintaan. Näin varmistamme, että pysymme ajan tasalla ja voimme tarjota asiakkaillemme parhaita mahdollisia ratkaisuja. Jos etsit yrityksellesi innokasta, sitoutunutta ja osaavaa tiimiä, joka on valmis auttamaan sinua hyödyntämään tekoälyn ja datan mahdollisuuksia liiketoiminnassasi – me olemme tässä.

Nico Engström

Partner | Senior Digital Growth Strategist

Toni Häkämies

Partner | Senior Growth Strategist

Jussi Parviainen CFO Uhma Oy

Jussi Parviainen

Partner | Strategy & Analytics

Viivi Engström

Project Lead | Senior Digital Marketing Specialist

Jan Blazek

Managing Partner at Little Greta

Nadi Hammouda



AI | Customer Service

Creative thinkers, skilled developers, and marketing superheroes, apply to work with us!

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